I Can’t Wait To Hear From You! 

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I want nothing more than to become your ADHD Confidant. 

Share your details in the provided form and I’ll be in touch with resources, techniques, and tools to help you chart the course to living positively with Adult ADHD. 


What Happens After You Click Submit?

Hiring Me For Speaking Engagements

Referring A 
Client To Me

Other Possible Business Opportunities

I’ll meet you in your inbox with any follow-up questions I need in order to consolidate the best tools I have to help you begin to manage your ADHD challenges and behaviors. 

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Can I work with you if I don’t have an official diagnosis? 

Absolutely! If you have an unofficial diagnosis or are wanting to understand more about how ADHD impacts your daily life, we are a good fit. 

Send me a quick email here to see if working together makes sense for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if the work we do doesn’t improve my ADHD? 

Due to the personal nature of our work, your ADHD strategy will be tailored to your needs, unique challenges, and will support you in working toward your goals. 

This custom approach allows us to work together until you get results. The only caveat is that you have to show up. You have to do the work. You have to put in the time. Otherwise, it 100% won’t work. 

Can I work with you if I’m on ADHD medication or supplements? 

Yes, the strategies and methods we go through together can be completed while taking any prescribed or supplemental medications you take. 

This is NOT meant to replace your current medical plan. 

Do you provide any help diagnosing or providing medical advice? 

No. I am not a medical professional and always refer clients to professionals to receive diagnoses, medications, and more. 

A free 3-day audio series for busy professionals with ADHD looking to clear the fog of frustration and shame, establish a vision for their life, and develop unyielding momentum toward their goals. 

Ready To Lift The Weight Of Overwhelm And Live Comfortably In Your Bustling Brain?

Mindset Magic:
Overwhelm Edition

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